Update on Flu




We are here to care for you!

Our flu programme is in full flow and we want all of you who are eligible, adults and children, to take up the invitation to visit us and get jabbed!


Who is eligible

  • everyone aged 65 years and over
  • everyone under 65 years of age who has a medical condition listed below, including children and babies over 6 months of age
  • all pregnant women, at any stage of pregnancy
  • all children aged 2 and 3 years (provided they were aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August before flu vaccinations starts in the autumn)
  • all children in primary school
  • some secondary school-aged children (Years 7 to 11)
  • everyone living in a residential or nursing home
  • everyone who receives a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person
  • all those living with someone who has lowered immunity due to disease or treatment
  • all frontline health and social care workers

You should have our invitation

All eligible patients, their guardians or carers should have received a text message(s) from us inviting you to book an appointment, please check you have this.

If, not call the practice and ask for an appointment for an immunisation.


What should you do

  1. check you have a text with a link to book and appointment, if not call us.
  2. If you do, use the link to book an appointment
  3. If you do not want to be vaccinated or have had a vaccine at a pharmacist use the link to decline
  4. If you are housebound, you will be contacted by home heath team; they are visiting all housebound patients in the Borough.
  5. If you cannot use the link on the message call us and we will help you get the vaccine.

Here to care for you, contact us if you are concerned.

Published: Nov 10, 2023