Our Appointment System




Making an appointment

We book most of our appointments on the day.

We have a range of clinicians, and our triage team will assess your consultation and book you with the most appropriate clinician. We have GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPS), Nurses, Pharmacists, Physicians Associates (PA) or physiotherapists.  You may be offered a telephone or a face-to-face appointment depending on what the triage team thinks is most appropriate. 

We ask that you contact us via online form, phone or in person on the day you would like to be seen; We will then ensure our clinical team endeavour to assess and whenever possible resolve your issue on the same day. 

We have a limited capacity for on the day appointments. We would request that if you really need an appointment on the day please contact us as soon as you can when our lines open at 8am.

You have two options to chose from:

  • Option 1) - Use our Accurx online portal to consult our doctors online or self check your symtoms 24/7. or
  • Option 2)  - Call the practice and ask for an appointment;

 If you require a home visit, please contact us before 10 am by phone or with an online consultation. Home visits are only available for patients who are registered on our list as housebound. You will receive a call from our triage team to assess your first.


When we have reached our capacity for the day a message will tell you that we have reached capacity we will no longer accept online consultations till the next working day. Our phone lines will remain open, but we will not have any more appointments on that day. You then have the following options

Option 1) - To call back or send an online consultation the following day or


Option 2) - If you have a Urgent medical problem please contact 111 or if it is an emergency please go to A&E.

Please find information below about the 111 service.




Cancelling an appointment

Please help us to help you by always cancelling appointments when you can’t attend.

Our cancellation line is 020 7510 4000. Please put it in your mobile phone! We can always use the appointment for someone else.

  • Option 1) - To call back or send an online consultation the following day or


  • Option 2) - If you have a Urgent medical problem please contact 111 or if it is an emergency please go to A&E.



Opening hours

Our reception is open:

Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.30pm


Telephone Advice

If you wish to speak to your doctor or the nurse for medical advice please leave your telephone number and a brief message with the receptionist and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

If it is an emergency please make this clear to the receptionist.


Text Message Reminders

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went live on 25th May 2018.

At the Barkantine Practice, we send patients texts to remind you of your appointments, tell you about your normal test results, self-care initiatives and send emails to invite you to our patient participation groups. 

We feel this is important and part of our job in looking after your health.

We do not share your contact details or use it for marketing or commercial use. Ever!

If you still feel uncomfortable in allowing us to contact you for health purposes, please let our reception team or GP know, and we will make sure we respect your wishes.


Keep it or Cancel it poster